sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Be a blessing Collection RELEASE!!!

Buy HERE the ENTIRE COLLECTION with free shipping!!

The individual sets are as follow, which one is your favorite, I have to admit.... I can't choose one!!

Cry out to Jesus, 4 x 6 set (11 stamps)

This is a super amazing set as a reminder that we were created to praise Him, and our hearts should always be praising Him, singing to Him, talking to Him!! He is our Redeemer, our Savior and the only want who can work with us and stand by us, so we should always be in communion with Him.

Soul on Fire, 4 x 6 set (8 stamps)

I love this set as well, I think it's my daughter's favorite!! I love when I feel that fire when I'm worshiping Him, that feeling that you want to just burn for Him and tell everyone about your passion for Him, all the things He has done in your life and I can keep talking and talking about His mercies!! I love the Lord let me burn for you again... I just want to be a soul on fire!!

Redemption, 4 x 6 set (8 stamps)

Redemption... this one touch my heart deeply, because most of the times, at least in my life, I feel like I'm not worthy of all the things He has done and keep doing for me. Sometimes I am ready to reject His blessings because I don't deserve them, but then I remember that I was redeemed by His grace, by His love and I'm not worthy of anything because what I have done BUT because of what HE DID FOR ME!! and that right there set me free.. He redeemed me because of what HE DID for me, there is nothing I can do, He already did it!! 

Hope, 4 x 6 set (15 stamps)

This was the first one that I design this time around, I mean the first I finished. I sat and did it all at once, I was so inspired. I love to remind that we need to have hope but our hope can't be focus in us or the situation or in anyone BUT Jesus!! Our hope should only be focus on Him and only in Him. We need not to loose sight of all He has done for us and know that better things are coming because He still in the throne!! 

If you are in Puerto Rico I want to invite you to our 5th Anniversary!! come join us and celebrate!

Si estás en Puerto Rico te invitamos a celebrar con nosotras nuestro 5to Aniversario, siiii Jessica Santiago estará impartiendo una hermosa clase de tarjetas con su estilo único y mágico, tendremos make & takes, rifas y regalos y siiii yo también estaré por allá!! Las espero!

4 comentarios:

  1. Fantástica colección!!! Cada set tiene frases que permiten combinarse entre sí, para obtener bellos mensajes. Y que mejor que unir el lanzamiento; junto al aviso de celebración del 5º Aniversario. Sin duda es una gratísima invitación a compartir con mucha alegria con Diana y Jessi, dos maestras sin igual!!! Chicas quienes puedan, aprovechen esta oportunidad de lujo!!! que solo puede ofrecernos Latina Crafter!!

    1. Querida Patry...te extrañaré mucho!!! Un abrazo y mis eternos agradecimientos!

  2. Wooowww que manera de celebrar el aniversario, con esta bella colección y con la invitacion a esa maravillosa clase ♥

  3. que bonita coleccion muy bellas frases y me encantan los tipos de letras y muchas felicidades por su quinto aniversario , wow clases en puerto rico que se diviertan
